Dimitri Coelho Mollo

Assistant Professor in Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence at Umeå University

I am a philosopher of science specialised in Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science. I am an area coordinator of the Umeå Centre for Transdisciplinary AI (TAIGA), and an external Principal Investigator at the Science of Intelligence Cluster, in Berlin. I am also programme coordinator for the BA in Philosophy and AI at Umeå University.

My research focuses on foundational and epistemic questions within artificial intelligence and cognitive science, looking for ways to improve our understanding of mind, cognition, and intelligence in biological and artificial systems.

My work often intersects with issues in Ethics of Artificial Intelligence, Philosophy of Computing, and Philosophy of Biology. 

Listen to Punching Cards, the podcast about all things intelligent, a production of Science of Intelligence,on this link or on the main podcast platforms!


dimitri.mollo (at) umu.se

Department for Historical, Philosophical, and Religious Studies

Umeå University

Institutionen för idé- och samhällsstudier
SE-901 87 Umeå

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